Double Boarding Pass [Gift Voucher]


Unforgettable experience for you and a +1 to explore the galaxy from the comfort of Earth.

2x Boarding Passes for Planetarium Tour, Guided Telescope Viewing
1x “Cosmic Vibrations Piha” THERMOCHALICE Travel Mug

Bonus: Bring a teenager for free

Expires: NA

> Fly virtually from Earth with our immersive Planetarium Display
> Imagine the legends of major Māori and European constellations during our interactive planetarium show.
> Learn basic celestial navigation during our laser display.
> Directly perceive our neighbouring planets and Moon in Maximum Resolution (576 megapixels) through our telescope viewing.
> Q&A session with astronomer’s apprentice

Moon chairs and hot drinks provided.

Summer Sessions: January & February @ Zen Den Matakana
Matariki Aotearoa New Year: June
Oriontides Meteor Shower: October
Leontides Meteor Shower: November
Gementides Meteor Shower: December

Cosmic Vibrations is a seasonal astrotourism project aimed at magnifying conscious awareness of our unique place in the Universe and simultaneously to identify light pollution & LED poisoning in the modern environment. We are 100% NZ owned and operated. We do not discriminate under any circumstances.

10 in stock